Outstanding evaluation!

Much like Food labels, studies often make claims not supported by their data.

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The spike proteins are a feature of the virus. The crown in corona comes from the way these appear. The vaccines that focus on the spike proteins do so as its the best way for the immune system to disarm the virus. Vaccines do this thru providing the immune system the tools it needs to produce antibodies that target the spike proteins of the virus.

Commenting with hopeful optimism & realistic expectation. Reading thru a few of your posts and cringed at the sight of many examples of anti-science/anti-vaxx jargon, here in how you talk about spike proteins the way the grifter "Dr" Malone did when he was talking out his ass. Add the severe misrepresenting of Germany's idc-10 death data from 2021 by using a tally (T88.1) from a non-fatal category (XIX) all the more disingenuous when you even have the proper tally (Y59) from the actual death coding written out in the description just before the lie to use T88.1, but I digress.

RE: Jargon - https://www.respectfulinsolence.com/2021/02/22/lipid-nanoparticles-the-antivax-toxins-gambit-reborn-for-covid-19-vaccines/

RE: How mRNA vaccines actually work - https://youtu.be/8nD6Q9X0SFw

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